Verified statements


The statement by Marija Selak Raspudić about the 30% increase in the holiday basket is accurate.


Sinj reduced the income tax rate in 2023 and is one of the few cities with more births than deaths.


Here is the translation:

Available data confirms that during the period from 2012 to 2016, there was an increase in average net pensions, although slightly smaller than the mentioned 12 euros.


Retail chains generate high revenues, however, banks are more profitable when looking at the ratio of profits to revenues.


HZZO paid approximately 90 million euros to private healthcare institutions for services rendered in 2023.


The verified statements were mostly inaccurate, with only four being correct. “Enhancing the culture of fact-checking” is the name of a project conducted by the Croatian Public Relations Association (HUOJ) in cooperation with media professionals from Lider Media and experts from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zagreb, financed by the European Union. […]


According to data published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS), elderly citizens are at the highest risk of poverty. On the official Facebook page of the political platform MOŽEMO, a press conference on labor policies, social rights, and pensions in the EU and Croatia was broadcast on June 5th, featuring MOŽEMO candidates for the […]


Part of the statement about record amounts and the wide use of European funds is accurate but saying that “everything” is built with European funds is not true. On the official Facebook page of the HDZ, a press conference of HDZ candidates for the European elections on demography, youth, and the green transition was broadcast […]


Unfortunately, the statement that every fifth citizen lives on the edge of poverty is accurate. On the official Facebook page of the SDP, a status was posted on June 4th stating: “In Croatia, the situation is even worse – every fifth citizen lives on the edge of poverty.” The stated claim is TRUE. According to […]


In the past ten years, real estate prices in Croatia have not increased by 62 percent (if they had, the average price in 2023 would be 2278 euros per square meter). On the official Facebook page of the SDP, a post was published on May 27 stating: “Real estate prices in Croatia have increased by […]


GDP data for European countries on the Eurostat website shows that Croatia’s GDP growth is higher than the European average of 0.2 percent. On the official website of the HDZ, a post was published on May 28 stating: “The Croatian economy in the first quarter of 2024 grew rapidly – by 3.9% year-on-year, almost 10x […]


The statement is incorrect. However, it should be considered that this is a minor numerical deviation, which may be the result of a slip. On the official Facebook page of the HDZ, a post was published on May 14 stating: “The President of the European Commission and the leading candidate of the EPP, Ursula von […]


Prime Minister Andrej Plenković’s statement regarding the funds withdrawn from the European Union is accurate. On the official Facebook page of the HDZ, on May 3, a post stated: “In these 11 years of EU membership, we have withdrawn more than 20.2 billion euros in EU funds, and Croatia is in a surplus of 14.5 […]

neither entirely accurate nor entirely inaccurate

The statement regarding the inflation rate is neither entirely accurate nor entirely inaccurate. On the official Facebook page of the HDZ, on May 3rd, 2024, a status was posted stating: “Inflation continues to fall for the 17th consecutive month. It is the lowest since September 2021. Over the past 12 months, Hungary, Romania, the Czech […]


The verification results show a positive trend, indicating that most statements made in the public space and then disseminated through the media are accurate. “Enhancing the Culture of Fact-Checking” is the name of a project conducted by the Croatian Public Relations Association (HUOJ) in collaboration with media professionals from Lider Media and experts from the […]


Mario Radić’s (DP) statement that the Krško Nuclear Power Plant covers around 30% of Croatia’s consumption is COMPLETELY UNTRUE. The latest debate organized in collaboration with the Morning Paper and the Croatian Employers’ Association under the title “Energy, ICT, and Tourism” was aired on April 12th on the official YouTube channel of the Morning Paper. […]


Sandra Benčić’s statement about the decline in industrial and agricultural production and exports, and the increase in bank profits, is MOSTLY TRUE. On April 11, 2024, Sandra Benčić (MOŽEMO!) stated during a meeting with citizens in Varaždin: “Industrial production has fallen, our exports have fallen, our agricultural production has fallen, and the only thing that […]

Here, you can find verified statements!

Since it is not possible to verify all claims, when deciding which statements to check, we consider the following:
• Is the statement rooted in a fact that can be verified?
• Does the statement seem wrong or sound incorrect?
• Is the statement significant?
• Is the statement likely to be transmitted and repeated by others?
• Would a typical person hear or read the statement and wonder: Is that true?


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    Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the European Union or the European Commission, nor the views of the Agency for Electronic Media. The European Union, the European Commission, and the Agency for Electronic Media cannot be held responsible for them.