At a time when misinformation and fake news represent one of the key social problems, ensuring quality and improving the process of content production is the task of newspaper and media institutions. The two processes mentioned above enable the redevelopment of citizens’ trust in the media and journalism. Furthermore, the development of new digital formats requires a certain adjustment of media work, and their implementation is necessary for deepening the connection with the audience and raising the quality of reporting and media products.
Ethical principles and codes are the basis of the activities and work of media and journalistic organizations, especially in the time when it is difficult to identify true information from manipulative and misleading content.
The analysis of the current situation and practices leads to the conclusion that even in the 21st century, the development and improvement of editorial and journalistic processes is crucial for a functional and healthy society.
As part of the project “Improving the culture of fact-checking”, the document “Recommendations for improving journalistic and editorial processes” was created by the work of the specialized unit. The aforementioned guidelines will provide a template and a kind of framework for the work and activities of media organizations that will ensure better, better quality and more complete content.
The implementation of these recommendations can contribute to improving journalistic and editorial processes, strengthening public trust in the media and suppressing misinformation in an information environment characterized by information overload and the spread of misinformation
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