Deepfake technology

Autor: Maja Kočiš, HUOJ
event 27.09.2024.
Izvor: izrađeno uz pomoć AI alata Canve

The modern age is characterized by technological advancement, along with the development of new technological innovations, tools, and mechanisms.

One of the latest advanced technologies is deepfake technology, which is defined as the manipulation or artificial generation (synthesis) of audio, video, or other forms of digital content to create the impression that an event occurred or that someone acted or looked differently than they actually are. Using artificial intelligence, fake yet convincing videos or audio recordings are created, most often depicting well-known individuals speaking or doing something they never actually said or did.

Deepfake technology can be extremely dangerous when used for the purpose of manipulating the public, creating propaganda content and fake news, inciting discrimination, intolerance, and violence, and reshaping public opinion. Recently, we have witnessed the vast possibilities and powers of new technologies, which can drive societal progress but can also devastate its foundations. The most common form of manipulative content associated with deepfake technology is misleading the public through the creation of videos featuring political actors making discriminatory statements they never actually uttered. This can lead to the reinforcement of violent behavior and social stereotypes, as well as the polarization of society.

In some videos created with deepfake technology, it is possible to determine that the content is artificially generated, for example, by analyzing an individual’s nonverbal communication, unnatural movements, facial expressions that do not follow the flow of the video, and poor audio synchronization.

Technology has enabled humanity to achieve many things; however, its careless and improper use for manipulation and deception can result in serious negative consequences for society. Continuous information and additional education about new technologies such as deepfake are extremely important, as they represent one of the best ways to recognize and protect against it.

In a world where identifying true information from misleading, manipulative, and false information has become crucial for the further advancement of society, it is necessary to remain vigilant and verify the facts we read instead of sharing them carelessly and thoughtlessly.

Test your knowledge about deepfake technology at:

The goal of the quiz is to help users of the platform learn what deepfake is and how to recognize it.

This quiz has been designed as part of the project “Improving Fact-Checking Culture,” implemented by HUOJ in collaboration with media experts from Lider Media and the Faculty of Economics.