Filter bubbles and echo chambers

Autor: Jelena Drobnjak, HUOJ
event 27.09.2024.
Izvor: izrađeno uz pomoć AI alata Canve

Filter bubbles facilitate the search through the vastness of the internet by categorizing content according to individual interests; however, they simultaneously limit the user by exposing them only to content that interests them.

Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers arise when algorithms of social networks and search engines filter the content we see, creating a personalized informational space. Personalization is a result of algorithms that analyze the “behavior” of users on websites and domains, more precisely, the digital footprint of users, which includes what content or posts the user views, marks as “like,” or comments on. Based on these interests, algorithms filter the content that is then displayed, primarily highlighting information and news in line with the preferences and beliefs of the individual.

The emergence of filter bubbles can affect an individual’s thinking, decision-making, and information processing. Through the working algorithm of filter bubbles, a person is largely exposed to information and news that align with their existing beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts, which can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of appreciation for diversity, thereby reinforcing their own views. An individual who only searches for content that reflects the values and norms of a single group will be shown and recommended content consistent with their preferences and searches. This can limit the ability to understand and respect other social and cultural norms, leading to the development of intolerance, social exclusion, and violent behavior.

However, filter bubbles can also have some positive consequences to a lesser extent, suggesting content that the user might like through various recommendations or that could be useful to them. For example, if a user decides to search for cafes nearby, the algorithm will certainly show existing restaurants. However, filter bubbles can also have negative consequences that pose a danger to the user.

To “escape” their own filter bubble, it is advisable for users to follow different sources of information and to inform and educate themselves about media, information, and digital literacy.

Critical thinking and various digital literacy skills are increasingly important in the digital world, where misinformation and fake news are becoming more common problems. These skills can help the public in the search for relevant and credible information and in distinguishing them from false news, as well as from manipulative and misleading information.

Test your knowledge about filter bubbles and echo chambers at:

The goal of the quiz is to help platform users learn about the creation of filter bubbles and echo chambers.

This quiz was designed as part of the project “Enhancing Fact-Checking Culture,” conducted by HUOJ in collaboration with media experts from Lider Media and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zagreb, with financial support from the European Union – NextGenerationEU.