On the official Facebook page of the Mozemo political platform, a press conference on the topic of privatization of health care in Croatia was broadcast on December 11, in which Ivana Kekin, candidate for president of the Republic of Croatia, stated: “Radiochirurgia generated revenue of almost 25 million euros last year. Of that income, 18 million euros came from the HZZO, 72 percent. Medicol generated almost 23 million euros in revenue, of which almost 12 million euros came from HZZO. Last year, in 2023, 80 million euros went from the public system to the private system.” (Source: Official Facebook page of the political platform Mozemo https://www.facebook.com/mozemo.hr/videos/562309759996219, 2:35 minute)
We investigated the above claims and determined that the statement is TRUE.
According to official data from Fina, the Private Special Hospital Radiochirurgia from Sveta Nedelja achieved total revenues of 24.9 million euros last year. As Jutarnji recently reported, according to the data they received from the HZZO, Radiochirurgia received 17,940,276 euros from the state health fund in 2023, which is 72 percent of the total income paid to that hospital by the HZZO. Furthermore, the Medikol polyclinic had a total income of about 23.35 million euros, with approximately 11.85 million euros (about 51%) from HZZO. In total, in 2023, the HZZO paid private healthcare institutions around 90 million euros for the services provided, which is more than the 80 million euros stated by Ivana Kekin, but considering the spirit of the statement, this statement is estimated to be accurate.